Pitanje prevare u hrani je brzo dobilo na značaju poslednjih godina: skoro svi standardi za bezbednost hrane sada zahtevaju sistem za borbu protiv prevare. Međutim, ne može biti pogođena samo hrana, već i materijali za pakovanje. U novom vodiču, IFS je sada sumirao kako kompanije mogu da ispune zahteve za prevenciju prevara proizvoda prema različitim standardima IFS.

Šta se podrazumeva pod „prevarom u hrani“ verovatno više ne moramo da vam objašnjavamo. Teško je zamisliti bilo koji standard bezbednosti hrane koji je odobrio GFSI bez tog termina. Ali diskusija ide dalje od prehrambene industrije. Pakovanje i drugi proizvodi takođe su u opasnosti od prevare. Izraz „prevara proizvoda“ se stoga koristi kao zajednički termin.

Novi IFS vodič o prevarama sa proizvodima dostupan je besplatno na početnoj stranici IFS-a i opisuje kako kompanije mogu da ispune zahteve standarda IFS Food 6.1, IFS PACsecure 1.1 i IFS Logistics 2.2.  Kliknite ovde za download

Understanding the requirements

The guide does not impose any new requirements on certified sites, but rather explains and illustrates the existing requirements of the above standards. Essentially, the standards require three items:

  • A vulnerability assessment to identify fraud risks.
  • The implementation of a documented plan to combat product fraud, including control mechanisms
  • A regular evaluation and, if necessary, updating of the risk analysis and the plan

However, the standards do not further define how a vulnerability assessment should be conducted. For the plan to combat product fraud, it is also not specified how the plan should be set up.

This is where the guide comes in. It describes how companies can conduct a vulnerability assessment, distinguishing between a product-specific risk analysis and a supplier-specific risk analysis. The evaluation of these two elements results in a risk assessment, which forms the basis of the plan to combat product fraud.

In the appendix: Examples and audit questions

Have you gotten into the habit of skipping appendices? In the case of the IFS Guide, it pays to read on. Appendices I and II apply the theory in a case study. Last but not least, Appendix III helps you prepare for the audit. You will find there a list of questions that auditors like to ask during the audit in relation to Product Fraud.

Dr. Thijs Willaert

Dr. Thijs Willaert je globalni direktor službi za održivost. U ovoj ulozi, on je odgovoran za ceo portfolio ESG usluga DQS-a.

Oblasti njegovog interesovanja uključuju održivost procesa nabavke, proveru ljudskih prava i ESG audite.
