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Certificate Validation

Would you like to check the validity of a DQS certificate?


Declaration of Impartiality

As a matter of principle, we carry out audits and assessments impartially and neutrally in accordance with a strict compliance policy.


Report a complaint

DQS Group commits itself to an effective, efficient and customer-oriented treatment of complaints and appeals. Feedback from customers, which also includes complaints, is considered an opportunity for improvement of our services. For this reason, DQS Group is interested in all feedback, including complaints, if needed.

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Report a violation

All employees, business partners and customers, who would like to report potential violations of internal guidelines, legal requirements or Code of Conduct principles, can submit a report to the Compliance Manager of DQS group. This includes reports of potentially damaging behavior, e.g. behavior that may lead to damage to assets or DQS group's reputation. Your report will be treated confidentially in any case.