In the ever-evolving landscape of data quality and management, staying abreast of key terms and concepts is crucial. This knowledge center helps you understand the jargon and terminology that surround certifications. Whether you're a seasoned data professional embarking on a new certification journey or a newcomer eager to explore this field, this knowledge center is designed to provide clarity and insight into the world of management systems.

Agile quality management at a glance

Agile quality management is an approach within the business and organizational world that aims to place flexibility, adaptability and continuous improvement at the heart of quality management. It is a response to the increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) conditions as well as the brittle, uncertain, non-linear and incomprehensible (BANI) conditions under which modern organizations operate. "Agile Quality Management at a Glance" explains the core concepts, meanings and applications of agile quality management in an agile world.

CE certification for Medical Devices
Medical devices on the European market
Conformity assessment procedures for medical devices
CE Marking
Continuous Improvement Process (CIP)

The continuous improvement process (CIP), also known as the ongoing improvement process, is a method from quality management (ISO 9001) to continuously achieve small improvements in process quality, process quality, product quality, delivery capability and service quality.

The overall goal is to increase effectiveness and quality in organizations or companies through continuous improvement of internal procedures and processes.

DQS Certification Process for Management Systems
DQS audits: An effective instrument for the further development of your management system
Individual evaluations
We offer individual solutions for the benefit of our clients and consumers