In the ever-evolving landscape of data quality and management, staying abreast of key terms and concepts is crucial. This knowledge center helps you understand the jargon and terminology that surround certifications. Whether you're a seasoned data professional embarking on a new certification journey or a newcomer eager to explore this field, this knowledge center is designed to provide clarity and insight into the world of management systems.

Individual evaluations
We offer individual solutions for the benefit of our clients and consumers
Interested parties easily explained

Interested parties are an inescapable part of the "context" of any business. No matter what size or industry the company is in, there are always certain individuals or groups that have a vested interest in it.

What does ISO and ISO standard mean?

The three letters ISO stand for the International Organization for Standardization, based in Geneva.

What is the IAF?


IAF - International Accreditation Forum 

What is the IATF?


The abbreviation IATF stands for International Automotive Task Force.
