All you need to know about the IFS Logistics certification

With the IFS Logistics certification standard, companies in the logistics and retail sectors can ensure reliability, transparency, and safety along the entire supply chain. The certification audits considers all stages of goods and merchandise from transport, storage, and distribution to loading and unloading.

Increased security and transparency in the supply chain

More trust among customers and suppliers

Higher levels of product safety and quality

Greater reliability regarding to authorities

Beschreibung Standard/Regelwerk

IFS Logistics Certificate

To ensure the quality and safety of logistics service providers and chains, food chains from France and Italy have jointly developed the IFS Logistics Standard. Based on IFS Logistics certification, food safety risks can be managed transparently.

IFS Logistics is a standard that is recognized internationally and by the  Global Safety Initiative (GFSI). It was created to ensure food safety in the supply chain. In the food sector in particular, the transport, storage, or handling of goods as well as raw materials harbor numerous hygiene and safety risks. The IFS Logistics standard was introduced to maintain a high level of confidence in the products, their quality, and safety. This gives everyone involved in the supply chain, from the food manufacturer to the retailer, the assurance that comparable guidelines are being followed.The IFS certificate can be applied to any type of food transport and storage. In addition to food, non-food products can also be included in the audit. The same applies to packaged and unpackaged products, unless they have been processed.The important objectives of IFS Logistics certification include:

  • Establishing transparency and comparability in the supply chain.
  • Common standard with uniform evaluation criteria
  • Increased efficiency (time and cost) for retailers and for suppliers
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Is the IFS Logistics certification right for my company?

The IFS Logistics certificate is suitable for all companies in the logistics and transport industry. Transport companies that deal with refrigerated transport and warehouse operators for goods and foods can also benefit from getting certified.

In addition, retailers with their own logistics department may protect themselves with an IFS Broker certification. Food manufacturers who handle the logistics for their products themselves must still meet the requirements of IFS Food for an audit according to the IFS Broker Standard.

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Welche Arten

The six key areas of the IFS Logistics standard

The IFS Logistics standard can be divided into six key segments. 

  • Corporate Responsibility
  • Management systems with a focus on quality and safety
  • Product Defense and HACCP
  • Quality, resource, and food safety management
  • Product analysis, measurement, and improvement
  • Resource management
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Which products does the IFS Logistics Standard apply to?

Companies that transport and/or store food or consumer goods can be certified according to IFS Logistics. This applies to both unpackaged and packaged food.

The standard is also applicable to products that must be stored and transported under controlled temperature conditions. These include dairy products or meat products.

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Certification Steps

In the first step, you discuss your company, management system, and the goals of certification with us. Next, you will promptly receive a detailed and transparent quote, tailored to your company’s needs.

Especially for larger certification projects, a planning meeting is a valuable opportunity to get to know your auditor as well as to develop an individual audit program for all involved areas and sites.
A gap assessment also offers the opportunity to identify potential for improvement as well as strengths of your management system in advance. Both services are optional.

As soon as your company is ready, an audit date is set together with you, and approved auditors with the necessary experience and expertise in your industry. During the certification audit, our auditors will assess whether your management system meets the requirements of the IFS Logistics standard and identify potential for improvement. In a final discussion, you will receive a detailed presentation of the results from your DQS Inc. auditor and if necessary, action plans will be agreed upon.

The audit and its results are evaluated by the independent certification board of DQS, which decides on the issuance of the IFS Logistics certificate. You will receive an audit report documenting the audit results. If there are any nonconformities, you will have the opportunity to correct them and take appropriate action at this time. If all applicable requirements are met, you will receive the certificate with a validity period of one year.

After one year, your certificate will expire. To ensure that your certificate is valid without any gaps, DQS Inc. will plan your next audit well in advance.


How much does IFS Logistics certification cost?

The cost of IFS Logistics certification depends, among other things, on the size of your company and the complexity of your processes. We are happy to make you an individual quote for your company with no obligation.


Why should companies get certified by DQS Inc. according to IFS Logistics?

  • Necessary audits for food standards from one source
  • Auditors with extensive industry know-how and experience
  • Personal contacts at more than 80 locations worldwide with local support in the US
  • Customer and solution oriented

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We will be happy to provide you with an individual quote for IFS Logistics certification.