Excellence based on the European Foundation for Quality Management

Your company masters all modern management methods, but you want more? You want to achieve top performance and thus create more corporate quality and competitiveness? With the EFQM Excellence Model, you can demonstrate your commitment to continuous improvement.

Strategic look at the challenges of your organization

More leadership on all levels

Promote business success and competitiveness

Manage cultural change in agile environments - ensure a sustainable future

Beschreibung Standard/Regelwerk

What is EFQM?

The EFQM Model 2020 is a method that enables companies to measure and promote their corporate success and competitiveness beyond management systems and certificates for, e.g., quality, environment, occupational safety, information security, or energy management. Due to its highly individual nature, EFQM is an excellence model that can be used as a valuable means of distinction.

The EFQM model was developed in 1989 by the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). It offers a holistic approach to implementing the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM). The basic requirement: consistent involvement of employees in the continuous improvement process in order to operate permanently at the highest level.

The EFQM model is available in a new version from 2020. While the last version of the model focused on the achievements of the last four years, the new model focuses on the future - keyword "Future Focus".

The EFQM Model 2020

An innovation in this structure of the EFQM Model is that the model asks about strategic challenges and calls for tapping into one's own "ecosystem" and strengthening collaboration with stakeholders.

Under the term "Golden Circle", the EFQM Model 2020 follows a tripartite structure that distinguishes between aspects of "alignment", "realization" and "results".

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What are the advantages of EFQM?

The EFQM model enables

  • Systematic achievement of excellence and excellent results
  • Continuous improvement of customer satisfaction
  • Demonstrable increase in the overall quality of your organization
  • Significant increase in competitiveness
  • Agile changes in the culture of an organization
  • Good chances of participating in the Ludwig Erhard Award, a recognized EFQM Excellence Award

Who is an EFQM Assessment suitable for?

The EFQM Model for Excellence was developed as an instrument for the self-assessment of companies and is the basis for further development as an excellent organization towards business excellence. The model and associated assessments can be used by all organizations, regardless of their size and industry, products and services, or affiliation with the public or private sector.

The goal is to be demonstrably among the excellent organizations in your respective market.


How can I introduce my company to EFQM?

What is necessary for getting started with an EFQM process is a self-assessment, which you can do in different ways. We will be happy to provide you with information on what materials you can use for orientation. For German speakers, a good way to get started is also the training provided by the Initiative Ludwig Erhard Preis (ILEP) for managers and employees on how to apply the Excellence Model.

Wer darf zertifizieren

Who is allowed to conduct an EFQM assessment?

Assessments according to the Excellence Model are carried out by specially trained and experienced assessors. Assessors must prove their participation in the EFQM Foundation Training and complete further training to become a certified EFQM assessor, for example at the German Society for Quality (DGQ) or the Initiative Ludwig Erhard Prize (ILEP).


What is the EFQM assessment process?

In the various company-specific assessments according to EFQM, assessors evaluate your organization according to the aspects of the "Golden Circle", i.e. "Alignment", "Realization" and "Results". All elements that make up the functioning of your organization are put in relation to each other here and checked to see if they mesh smoothly.

In the first step, you will talk to an EFQM assessor about your company and the status of your organization in implementing the Excellence Model. On this basis, you will receive a detailed offer and customized program for the assessment, tailored to the individual needs of your company.


What does an EFQM assessment cost?

As a partner of the Initiative Ludwig-Erhard-Preis e. V. (ILEP), we offer the assessments "Committed to Excellence" (C2E) and "Recognised for Excellence" (R4E) as well as company-specific EFQM assessments. Due to the different objectives of the individual assessments, costs for these cannot be given as a lump sum figure. Of course, the complexity of your organization also plays a role.


What you can expect from us

  • More than 35 years of experience in the certification of management systems and processes
  • Industry-experienced auditors, assessors and experts with strong technical knowledge
  • Value-adding insights into your company
  • Certificates with international acceptance
  • Expertise and accreditations for all relevant standards
  • Personal, smooth support from our specialists - regionally, nationally and internationally
  • Individual offers with flexible contract terms and no hidden costs
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