
Part 2: Is a remote audit the right choice? The risk assessment.
Remote audits have tremendous potential, but they are also subject to a learning curve. In this seri
Jul 14, 2020
# Food Safety
Part 3: Remote audits - Determine the Audit Method
Remote audits are often touted for their flexibility. However, they may be too flexible - because th
Jul 14, 2020
# Food Safety
Part 5: Remote Audits - Preparation
No matter how many audits you have performed, your first remote audit is sure to be a challenge. Goo
Jul 14, 2020
# Food Safety
Part 4: Remote Audits - Determine the technology
Remote audit technology is rapidly evolving. From simple webcams to wearable devices like Google Gla
Jul 14, 2020
# Food Safety
Part 6: Tips for conducting remote audits
Even for experienced auditors, conducting an audit remotely can be a challenge. In this article, whi
Jul 14, 2020
# Food Safety
Part 7: Remote Audit - Follow-Up
Almost done: You have successfully completed your first remote audit. In this final part of our seri
Jul 14, 2020
# Food Safety


# label