
Continuous Improvement Process (CIP)
The continuous improvement process (CIP), also known as the ongoing improvement process, is a method
Jun 05, 2022
# CIP Continuous Improvement Process
In between the audit and your certificate - A look behind the scenes
Have you ever wondered what actually happens in the time between the audit and the finished certific
May 31, 2022
IFS Food Version 8 - All changes of the revision at a glance
The new version of the IFS Food Standard was published in April 2023. The transition period from IFS
May 31, 2022
# Food Safety
Seven quality management principles
An effective quality management system is a suitable tool for companies to meet the daily challenges
May 31, 2022
# Quality management requirements
Revision of ISO 27002 - These are the changes
#27002: A refreshing revision of the standard with a streamlined structure, new content and contempo
May 08, 2022
# Information Security Standards
What is accreditation?
 The word accreditation comes from the Latin verb "accredere", which means something like "to give
Apr 11, 2022


# label