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MyDQS offers transparency and control of the status of your certification procedure for each site. The reporting module shows authorized users the individual status of audits at locations of your choice with just a few clicks. Receive status updates on audits, information about your auditors and contact options to your customer service.
Just a few clicks will allow you to create evaluations of your audit results: view non-conformities and opportunities for improvement (OFI) of individual locations broken down by standard chapters and compare them with other locations. Or analyze and benchmark audit results from the Audit Manager with other audits in your organization. All reports can be downloaded for further processing.
With the new responsive platform, the security of customer data is state of the art. Compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a top priority for DQS. Accordingly, all data is stored exclusively on our own servers in Germany to guarantee compliance and protection of your data privacy.
If you are already a customer and need access, please contact your responsible customer service professional at your local DQS office. If you would like to become a DQS customers, please contact one of our local offices for information and a customized offer for your organization.
MyDQS customer portal: