Voluntary certification system for sustainable biomass
Certified sustainability in the supply and production chain
Improved competitive opportunities
Globally recognized standard
Increased transparency

Sustainable production and supply chains with ISCC PLUS
ISCC and its more than 80 members develop and optimize the existing regulations for their standards. With ISCC PLUS, a set of rules was introduced that makes the aspect of sustainability transparent in the production and trade of food, feed chemicals, plastics, packaging, textiles, and renewable feedstock. ISCC PLUS certification takes into account not only ecological but also social and economic factors.In total, more than 11,000 companies in over 100 countries worldwide are certified according to ISCC and ISCC PLUS.

Is the ISCC PLUS certification important for my company?
The ISCC PLUS certificate is suitable for all companies that want to market and sell their products as sustainable in the US and Canada. This can be agricultural businesses, production facilities for food, food chemistry, or a feed manufacturer.With ISCC PLUS, producing companies ensure that the sustainability of their raw materials can be fully and transparently traced, from the field to the store.

Six key principles of ISCC PLUS certification
- Preservation of natural areas that are characterized by their high biodiversity or that can store a lot of carbon (High Conservation Value = HCV).
- Application of "good" agricultural and forestry practices, such as maintaining soil fertility, preserving water quality, and reducing the use of pesticides.
- Providing safe working conditions through ongoing employee training and empowerment as well as providing adequate protective clothing.
- Compliance with human rights and labor laws and ensuring responsible working conditions that promote health.
- Compliance with land rights and applicable laws, regulations, and treaties.
- Implementing good management practices and continuous improvement.
For ISCC PLUS certification, so-called "Major Musts" and "Minor Musts" from these six criteria must be fulfilled.

ISCC PLUS use cases
- Food: At the request of one of the world's leading soft drink brands, Hungrana AG, has applied for ISCC PLUS certification for its corn-based sweeteners. The corn, which is grown according to the six ISCC PLUS principles, is used in a variety of products for the food and feed industries.(Source)
- Packaging: Norwegian cartonboard manufacturer Elopak has achieved certification of its renewable, bio-based polyethylene. The raw materials are derived from by-products and waste, reducing the product's carbon footprint.(Source)
- Chemical: SABIC, a Saudi company operating in the chemical industry, has obtained ISCC PLUS certification for circular polymers. Plastic waste, rather than an agricultural product, is used as the feedstock. The waste is converted into a liquid and then mixed with traditional raw materials. This gives plastic waste an economic value, preventing it from entering our oceans.(Source)

How the ISCC Plus certification process works
In the first step, we request information about your company, your management system and field of activity. Since the duration of the audit depends on the size and complexity of your company, we need information, such as the number of employees and processes in order to determine the required audit duration. Next, you will promptly receive a detailed and transparent quote, tailored to your individual needs.
As soon as your company is ready, an audit date will be set with you and a competent auditor with experience and expertise in your industry. During the certification audit, our auditors assess whether your management system meets the requirements of the standard and identify potential areas of improvement. In a final discussion, you will receive a detailed presentation of the results from your auditor and if necessary, corrective action plans are agreed upon.
If you have met all the requirements in the audit, you will receive your ISCC PLUS certificate with a validity period of one year.

How much does ISSC PLUS certification cost?