
Part 5: Remote Audits - Preparation
No matter how many audits you have performed, your first remote audit is sure to be a challenge. Goo
Jul 14, 2020
# Food Safety
Part 4: Remote Audits - Determine the technology
Remote audit technology is rapidly evolving. From simple webcams to wearable devices like Google Gla
Jul 14, 2020
# Food Safety
Food safety in times of Corona - New BRCGS audit protocols
Consumer and customer confidence in safe food must be maintained - even during the current pandemic.
Jun 24, 2020
# Food Safety
Revision of the universal GRI standards: An overview of the most important changes and your impact
Does your organization follow the GRI standards for sustainability reporting? Then you should pay at
Jun 23, 2020
# Sustainability reporting & ESG indicators
Waste as an opportunity - GRI publishes the 306: Waste Standard
How much does it cost to dispose of a ton of waste? The almost globally correct answer is: more and
Jun 04, 2020
# Sustainability reporting & ESG indicators
Transition period of ISO standards extended
Information on the extensions of the transition periods for all recently revised ISO management syst
Jun 01, 2020
# Occupational health and safety in the integrated management system
# Energy Management in the Integrated Management System


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