
Introducing Climate Management: An example from Germany
At its headquarters in Eislingen in the German region of Swabia, the chemical company Zeller + ...
11月 27, 2020
# 氣候管理
ISO 28000 certification - A case study for more security in the supply chain
In June 2020, shortly after the end of the COVID-19 lockdown in Germany, DQS audited and certified ...
11月 11, 2020
# 供應鏈中的社會稽核
Unannounced Audits Mandatory for IFS and BRCGS
GFSI has published version 2020 of the Benchmarking Requirements and this brings a significant ...
9月 30, 2020
# 環境管理
The SMETA Remote Audit: Sedex Virtual Assessment
Delays in audits, restrictions on the movement of people, and health concerns during on-site audits ...
9月 29, 2020
# 永續採購
Supply Chain Act & Human Rights Due Diligence: What's next?
The German Supply Chain Act is coming - that much is already certain. Companies must be prepared ...
8月 30, 2020
# 供應鏈中的社會稽核
如何進行遠端稽核 - 第 1 部分:稽核目標
遠端稽核的潛力已被討論多年。 ...
7月 14, 2020
# 食品安全


# label