The EU directive on non-financial reporting (NFRD) is currently being revised. A resolution of the EU Parliament indicates that far-reaching changes are being sought. Although these are not legally binding at present, they underline the expectations of the EU Commission to extend the reporting obligation and to impose additional, binding CSR obligations on companies.

The tightening of the EU reporting obligation is currently being prepared by a multi-stakeholder project task force of EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group). This work is expected to be completed by the end of Q1 2021. If agreement is reached at EU level and transposed into national law quickly, reports could be published in accordance with the new regulation for the first time from 2024.

Constanze Illner

Constanze Illner




ESG 永續報告書2日實作課程 [6月班]

Jun 14-15 , 2024, 09:00-16:30
臺北市 | 中文

ESG 報告書與產品碳足跡實作2日班 [已結束]

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