Good manufacturing practice for cosmetics, household and personal care products

The ISO 22716 standard describes requirements for the manufacturing processes of cosmetic products. Good manufacturing practices, or GMP, means appropriate development and maintenance of quality assurance in the production of cosmetics and products with similar hygiene requirements. Cosmetic GMP certification according to ISO 22716 proves that the work processes in your company comply with good manufacturing practices.

Optimized processes in production

Increased product safety and quality

Reduced liability risk

Increased customer confidence

Beschreibung Standard/Regelwerk

ISO 22716 certificate - for high product safety and quality of cosmetics, personal care and household products

The ISO 22716 standard was developed for and by the cosmetics industry. The aim of the certification is to ensure the safety and quality of cosmetic products on the basis of uniform and transparent specifications. ISO 22716 contains specifications relating to the manufacture, monitoring, storage and shipping of cosmetic products. These aspects are all included in an audit.


For which areas of the cosmetics industry is ISO 22716 applicable?

ISO 22716 certification is particularly relevant for manufacturers of finished cosmetic products. The standard is not applicable for producers of raw materials for cosmetic products.


Aim of the ISO 22716 certification

The initial aim of ISO 22716 is to comply with the EU Cosmetics Regulation. This is intended to establish a higher level of product safety for consumers. The basis for this is the so-called "Good Manufacturing Practice".

Good manufacturing practice (GHP) means that there is consistent quality assurance. Companies thereby undertake to assess and evaluate potential product risks using scientific methods. From this, they derive appropriate steps to minimize quality or safety risks. An important part of the GHP is the documentation of all measures and results.

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What is the ISO 22716 certification process?

In the first step, you discuss your company, your management system and the goals of a certification with us. On this basis, you will promptly receive a detailed and transparent offer, tailored to your individual needs.

Especially for larger certification projects, a planning meeting is a valuable opportunity to get to know your auditor as well as to develop an individual audit program for all involved areas and sites.
A pre-audit also offers the opportunity to identify potential for improvement as well as strengths of your management system in advance. Both services are optional.

The certification audit starts with a system analysis (audit stage 1) and the evaluation of your documentation, objectives, results of your management review and internal audits. In this process, we determine whether your quality management system is sufficiently developed and ready for certification.
In the next step (system audit stage 2), your auditor will assess the effectiveness of all management processes on site. In a final discussion, your auditor will provide you with a detailed presentation of the results and possible improvement potential for your company. If necessary, action plans will be agreed upon.

After the certification audit, the results are evaluated by the independent certification body of DQS. You will receive an audit report documenting the audit results. If all standard requirements are met, you will receive an internationally recognized certificate.

To ensure that your company continues to meet all important criteria of the standard after the certification audit, we conduct surveillance audits on an annual basis. This provides competent support for the continuous improvement of your management system and business processes.

The ISO 22716 certificate is valid for a maximum of three years. A recertification is carried out in good time before expiry to ensure continued compliance with the applicable standard requirements. Upon compliance, a new certificate is issued.


How much does ISO 22716 certification cost?

The cost of ISO 22716 certification depends, among other things, on the size of your company and the complexity of its processes. We will be happy to make you an individual offer for your company without obligation.


Why should companies get ISO 22716 certified with DQS?

  • All important audits in quality management from one source
  • High level of industry knowledge and many years of experience of the auditors
  • Personal contact persons at many locations worldwide
  • High customer orientation and personal service also beyond the audit

Request for quotation

Itsaree Sopasilapa Tel. 062 629 7117

We would be happy to provide you with a customized offer for ISO 22716 certification.