What is RecyClass?

RecyClass is driven by the interest of brands, retailers, converters, raw material producers and recyclers to advance recyclability of plastic packaging and establish a harmonized approach towards the use of recycled material.

We support the industry in improving the recyclability of plastic products, promoting traceability of plastic waste & boosting the uptake of recycled plastic.

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Recyclability is the first step in ensuring a circular future for plastics.

Traceability & transparency foster trust in the quality of recycling processes and the use of recycled plastic in new products.


The Recyclability by RecyClass

With its scientific approach, RecyClass enhances and evaluates recyclability of plastic packaging by developing methodologies and guidelines necessary to assess the recyclability of a package. With this purpose in mind, RecyClass developed the Recyclability Methodology, Design for Recycling Guidelines and Recyclability Evaluation Protocols which serve as a basis for the development and implementation of the RecyClass online tool, Recyclability Certifications and Technology/ Product Approvals.


Recycled Content traceability

RecyClass focuses as well on the harmonization of the approach towards the verification of recycled content, by assessing the traceability of recycled material across the different stages of the value chain. The Audit Scheme developed for the Recycled Content Certification represents a step forward bringing transparency and trust to end-users as well as green claims. By using the scientific approach for both recyclability and recycled content evaluation, RecyClass provides technical support to the entire plastic value chain.



The objective of RecyClass is to drive the harmonization of the methodology and the guidelines across the EU, both for the recyclability and the recycled content evaluation. Uniform implementation of established design for recycling guidelines and principles across the plastic packaging industry will lead to high quality recycling and consequently provide a higher quality of recyclates on the market, ultimately leading to an increase in the uptake of recyclates.

RecyClass is a platform which, via a strong and scientifically grounded approach and collaboration of the different actors, has the power to drive the change and create a true circular economy for plastics.


Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE)

Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE) is an organization representing the voice of the European plastics recyclers who reprocess plastic waste into high-quality material destined for the production of new articles. Recyclers are important facilitators of the circularity of plastics and the transition towards circular economy.Plastics recycling in Europe is a rapidly growing sector, representing €3 billion in turnover, 8.5 million tonnes of installed capacity, 600 companies and over 20,000 employees. 

Our organization provides plastics recyclers with representation at the European level and among the leading industry organizations. It promotes the use of quality plastic recyclates and offers concrete advice on developing innovative, recyclable products and packaging.


Recyclability Process

RecyClass Methodology outlines a comprehensive approach for assessing plastic packaging recyclability, in a reliable and standardised manner. Plastic packaging is evaluated and attributed a class on a scale from A to F.

The Methodology provides comprehensive information on the assessment methods used to assess and certify the recyclability of a plastic package. It describes the approach towards obtaining Desing for Recycling Certification, Recyclability Rate Certification, and Letters of Compatibility.

In addition, RecyClass developed the Design Book and the Handbook on Decorative Technologies to further support the plastics value chain in understanding and advancing plastic packaging recyclability.


RecyClass Recyclability Certification evaluates the compatibility of plastic packaging with the entire waste management chain, which includes collection, sorting, recycling, and ability of the recycled material to be reused in its original application.

The Audit Scheme requirements were developed in line with the RecyClass Recyclability Methodology and are continuously updated based on the RecyClass Design for Recycling Guidelines


What does RecyClass certification cost?

In order for us to be able to give you an overview of the costs for a RecyClass certification, we need precise information about your business model and the products that you produce. This way we can provide you with a tailor-made offer.


What you can expect from us

  • More than 35 years of experience in the certification of management systems and processes
  • Industry-experienced auditors and experts with strong technical knowledge
  • Value-adding insights into your company
  • Certificates with international acceptance
  • Expertise and accreditations for all relevant standards
  • Personal, smooth support from our specialists - regionally, nationally and internationally
  • Individual offers with flexible contract terms and no hidden costs

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