We’re coming up to the new year – have you thought about new year resolutions yet? Outside of personal resolutions, what do you have for your business? Whether it’s to create a management system to better organize internally or to create a more sustainable business, DQS can aid with finding the best certification and training for your New Year Business Goals.

When putting together a business resolution there are ten questions that can be used as guidance:

  1. What are/have been the main pain points over the past year?
  2. Is there anything that works well that could be built upon or made better?
  3. Would you like to increase or bolster your information security?
  4. Would your business benefit from moving to more sustainable business practices now rather than later?
  5. Are there processes that could be made safer or more effective for employees?
  6. Could customer service and quality be made better or more efficient?
  7. Are there any regulations that need updating or to be obtained for your target markets?
  8. Would an additional certification make your business more competitive in your target markets with customers/clients?
  9. Would you have the necessary buy-in to be able to implement and succeed in certification of a standard?
  10. What feedback has been received that could be addressed by implementing a new management system or working towards certification?


What are the next steps after answering these questions and saying “yes, I would like to look into certification to help meet goals for the upcoming year”? Firstly, taking the time to research and learn more about companies that offer certifications and speak with a sales representative, if applicable. Here’s a few points to aid with researching:

1.    Does the Certification Body, or CB, offer the certification I am interested in pursuing? Such as ISO 14001 or ISO 27001?
2.    Can the CB offer a quote with information on pricing, timing frame, etc.?
3.    If I have questions during or about the process, will the CB be able to assist in a timely manner?
4.    Does the CB offer any additional support as in customer service or white papers?


These points should aid in starting to find the best fit CB for your business needs and goals. DQS is available to speak with you about your certification goals and provide a quote to provide clear next steps in the certification process. We are available to speak with you when you may have questions about the process or if you’re unsure which certification may be best for you. And if you’re looking for additional guidance, DQS Academy provides training to give a better understanding of certification at different levels.

When you decide on the CB to continue with, they become a partner in your certification journey. Whether it’s answering all your preliminary questions about expectations or providing documentation quickly and accurately, the CB will be there to support. And maybe it’s not the beginning of the certification process where support is needed, but the end with realizing your business could do with additional certifications, such as obtaining ISO 50001 certification after becoming ISO 14001 certified. Goals can change and adapt, and your CB should be able to assist you in pivoting to reach those goals with their offerings.


Ready to start the certification process? You can contact Sales at sales.us@dqs.de or by using the link below. Already looking at a particular certification but want to look more in depth at the standard? DQS Academy offers training courses for ISO 9001, ISO 45001, and more. View the entire course catalog at dqsacademy.com. We look forward to partnering with you in 2024. 

Robyn Daiss

She is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin with a B.A. in American Studies. She uses her diverse experience in development, administration, and more to provide engaging content and information for those pursuing continuous growth in their businesses with certifications and training.
