Typically, when companies are considering certifications, the first few thoughts are requirements for bids and deals or meeting standards within the industry whether to provide products to certain demographics or facilitate a strong working environment. However, there’s more to just meeting the requirements and putting structure to the workday – it’s a way to add value to the marketing landscape as well. While working in the marketing sector, especially within Certification Bodies, there are many ways that certifications can aid with strengthening your brand and garnering attention from potential clients and vendors.

When it comes to Marketing, it is much more than social media and billboards, but it is the way that your company presents itself to all – whether this is internal or external. While companies usually focus on the external, let’s briefly go into a few ways how it can aid internally.

Management system certification, such as ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001, and others (see our full list of offerings on our certification page), needs full company buy-in. When working towards certification, it takes different departments working together on the unified goal of becoming certified. This process shapes how people interact with and view the business, which can build company integrity and reinvigorate employees to put new ideas into their work. With new motivation and ideas, the company can bring on new projects to further deals, boost current ones, or identify ways to grow. This initiative for advancement in itself is internal marketing: decision makers are showing that as a company, differences can be made, and showing that developmental impacts can be made with inter-department work.

External marketing is the type of marketing most are aware of, whether it’s social media, emails, billboards, or magazine ads, these are marketing efforts. When becoming certified, you will more than likely want to publicize the news. This can be done through emails, social media posts (from the company page and individuals reposting the news), printed ads, and more to get the word out there. With the buzz of the certification and how the business has developed may come new customers, clients, and/or vendors. There are companies that may not have considered your business prior that may now look to do business with you knowing that your company meets the criteria for certification and is committed to continuous improvement. There are also many companies that are moving to working with only standard-specific certified companies – your business will now be able to reach these potential clients/customers.

And what about actual signage at your business? If your company is located in a business or manufacturing center area of town, proudly displaying your certification could also bring in new business. Proudly display signage with the Registered Firm Mark to show you are certified. Find the full list of Registered Firm Marks and rules for use here.

Word of mouth is still the largest form of marketing, with “90% of people” more likely to trust something that is recommended by a person (even if it’s a stranger!) (SemRush). Whether it’s actually through word-of-mouth in a conversation, or through social media reposting, or forwarding an email, your company’s name should be there. Certification adds more to the conversation with your business. There are many reasons to become certified, what were your company’s reasons? Tell people. (And if you’re not sure why to become certified, visit our “What is Certification?” page). Was there a need to solidify a quality management system (ex: ISO 9001), has your business become more sustainable (ex: ISO 14001), or become more secure within IT (ex: ISO 27001)? Showcase what has been gained and how the business is navigating with the new credential[s]. Can you better assure customer data security (ex: ISO 27701)? Or that your business is taking new avenues to preserve energy usage (ex: ISO 50001)? This is the best approach to marketing your certified business: provide context to your certification.

Yes, becoming certified is something to proudly promote, but why is it important to your customer? Here’s an example of how marketing this can aid in your word-of-mouth:
    “We’re looking for ideas to expand our market with our widgets. If you have any ideas, let us know.”
    “I actually know of a company. I follow them on LinkedIn. I think they posted something recently that they have lowered their emissions by 12% in the past quarter after certification. I can send it to you.”

That was a made-up scenario, but you can get the idea. Even in your everyday life, you may have heard that one brand may offer 10% less sugar since their rebrand and pass that information along to someone else. That’s what certification can give: a story and details that can boost your company’s word-of-mouth; “Since certification we…,” “By becoming certified we…,” – these phrases can be used as talking points, as blog posts, as ads, and more. 

If you believe certification can aid in improving a facet of your business, even if that facet is marketing, DQS can direct you to which standard may be best for your goals and operations. Whether it’s quality management, energy management, or sustainability management, DQS is ready to have a conversation with you. Not sure where to start? We can help with that as well. Email sales at sales.us@dqs.de or use the link below. 

We’re looking forward to seeing you, and your marketing efforts grow.

Robyn Daiss

She is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin with a B.A. in American Studies. She uses her diverse experience in development, administration, and more to provide engaging content and information for those pursuing continuous growth in their businesses with certifications and training.
