Quality requirements for Fusion Welding

Is your company involved in welding-related series/individual production, repair or assembly? If so, the quality requirements that ISO 3834 places on fusion welding of metallic materials are relevant to you. With an ISO 3834 certificate, you receive internationally recognized proof of your welding quality capability.

More transparency in process descriptions

Basis for continuous improvements

Increased compliance with quality assurance measures

Visible sign of compliance with customer requirements

Description of the standard

What is ISO 3834?

With ISO 3834, the welding quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials have been put into a separate standard. This enables you - in accordance with your customers' wishes - to demonstrate your quality capability by means of a product-specific quality standard in addition to a "basic standard" such as ISO 9001.

The international standard takes into account the special process of welding, which allows only limited monitoring during and after the procedure. The certification is suitable for all companies that are active in the field of welding production, whether in series production, individual production, or repair and assembly.

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What are the requirements for ISO 3834 certification?

ISO 3834 certification is generally carried out in combination with certification based on a comprehensive quality management standard, e.g. ISO 9001. This combination allows minimizing the additional effort, which ideally only results in a small increase of the audit duration.

In addition to their industry-specific experience, the DQS auditors employed also have welding knowledge and hold a European Welding Engineer (EWE) degree or equivalent qualification. After successful certification, you will receive a separate ISO 3834 certificate reflecting the scope of application.

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How does the certification according to ISO 3834 work?

Once all requirements of ISO 3834 have been implemented, you can have your management system certified. You will go through a multi-stage certification process at DQS. If a certified management system already exists in the company, the process can be shortened.

In the first step, you discuss your company, your management system and the goals of ISO 3834 certification with us. On this basis, you will promptly receive a detailed and transparent offer, tailored to your individual needs.

The certification audit starts with a system analysis (audit stage 1) and an evaluation of your documentation, objectives, the results of your management review and internal audits. In this process, we determine whether your management system is sufficiently developed and ready for certification.

In the subsequent system audit (audit stage 2), your auditor assesses the effectiveness of all management processes on site. In a final meeting, your auditor will provide you with a detailed presentation of the results and possible improvement potential for your company. If necessary, action plans are agreed upon.

After the certification audit, the results are evaluated by the independent certification board of DQS. You will receive an audit report documenting the audit results. If all the standard's requirements are met, you will receive an internationally recognized certificate.

To ensure that your company continues to meet all important requirements of ISO 3834 after the certification audit, we conduct surveillance audits on an annual basis. In this way, the continuous improvement of your management system and your business processes is competently accompanied.

The certificate is valid for a maximum of three years. Recertification is carried out in good time before expiry to ensure continued compliance with the applicable standard requirements. Upon fulfillment, a new certificate is issued.


What does ISO 3834 certification cost?

ISO 3834 certification requires a certified quality management system. Depending on whether you already have such a management system in place, we calculate the costs. The advantage of a combined audit of ISO 9001 and ISO 3834 by DQS is that you save time and money. Contact us - we will be happy to work out a reliable offer for you.


What you can expect from us

  • More than 35 years of experience in the certification of management systems and processes
  • Personal support from our specialists
  • Auditors with practical experience in the industry

Nivine Albert Zaki

General Manager

We would be happy to provide you with a customized quote for ISO 3834 certification.