ENX Announced Vehicle CyberSecurity (VCS) Program

The automotive industry is undergoing rapid digitalization with advancements in automated driving, connectivity, and new mobility concepts. However, this digital transformation also brings an increased need for robust cybersecurity measures in electrical and electronic (E/E) systems across the automotive supply chain. Recognizing this demand, ENX has recently announced the Vehicle CyberSecurity (VCS) program, aimed at setting standards for cybersecurity in the automotive sector.

The VCS program is the result of collaborative efforts by a project group comprising experts from vehicle manufacturers, suppliers, and E/E component engineering service providers. Their objective was to explore the feasibility of implementing a meaningful VCS audit within the existing ENX audit ecosystem. This initiative builds upon the knowledge and processes gained from the automotive assessment and information exchange mechanism for cybersecurity, known as TISAX.

tisax-certification-dqs-view from planning office on automotive production

TISAX: Addressing Cybersecurity Challenges in the Automotive Industry

TISAX, which stands for "Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange," is an assessment and exchange mechanism specifically designed for the automotive industry to address cybersecurity challenges. It provides a standardized framework for assessing the information security of companies within the automotive supply chain.

DQS: Committed to Ensuring Automotive Cybersecurity

As a registered partner of ENX, DQS is excited to announce that we will be offering VCS Audit to our customers as soon as it becomes available. Our commitment to ensuring the highest level of cybersecurity in the automotive industry remains unwavering. We understand the critical importance of protecting vehicle systems from cyber threats and are dedicated to providing our clients with comprehensive cybersecurity solutions.

Contributing to the Overall Cybersecurity Posture of Vehicles

By participating in the VCS audit, DQS aims to contribute to the overall cybersecurity posture of vehicles throughout the supply chain. Proactive cybersecurity measures, such as those introduced through the VCS program, are crucial for safeguarding the integrity, privacy, and safety of vehicles. We believe that a proactive approach to cybersecurity is essential in today's digital landscape.

The VCS certification represents a significant step forward in enhancing cybersecurity practices within the automotive sector. By combining the industry expertise of ENX, the established framework of TISAX, and the commitment of organizations like DQS, we can collectively strengthen the cybersecurity defenses of vehicles and safeguard the future of the automotive industry.

Blog Author of DQS HK

