In mid-2022, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) launched a review of its RCMS®/RC14001® Technical Specifications to identify opportunities to improve the documents.  They completed this work in late January 2023 when the ACC Responsible Care Committee approved a set of changes to each document. In addition to approving the new 2023 versions of RCMS/RC14001, the committee also approved a Transition Schedule which will guide the process as we make the changeover from the current (RCMS:2019/RC14001:2015) versions of the Technical Specifications to the new versions. 

DQS has been working behind the scenes to train and qualify our auditors in preparation for upgrade to these new standards. I’m pleased to announce that the DQS team is now authorized to begin upgrades for our RCMS®/RC14001® clients immediately.      

DQS will audit to the 2023 version of the RCMS® or RC14001® standards for all audits conducted after January 1, 2024. Clients can elect to have an earlier upgrade conducted anytime in 2023.


Changes to both Technical Specifications include several new leadership-related clauses, consistent with changes made to the ACC Responsible Care Codes of Management Practices have been added to both documents. Both Technical Specifications have new Emergency Planning and Response requirements which are aligned with ACC Areas of Emphasis focus. Since the changes are fairly modest, a separate upgrade audit will not be necessary unless the client requests it. Instead, we will be able to facilitate the upgrade process by adding ½ a day to any current surveillance or recertification.     


If you wish for your next RC audit to be conducted to the new requirements, please notify your customer service representative or your auditor.  


Over the last few months, the ACC has been conducting awareness training for its members/partners. For more information, you can contact your ACC representative. DQS can also offer a gap type assessment upon request.     

Copies of the RC14001:2023 Technical Specification are now be available for purchase at

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Candace Orbaugh

Currently DQS Inc’s Director of EHS & Energy programs.
