Verification of the product-related greenhouse gas inventory
Recognized evidence of your sustainability activities
Increased transparency and credibility
Reliable reporting to interested parties
Strengthen your competitiveness
What is a product-related greenhouse gas inventory?
Drawing up a product-related greenhouse gas inventory enables companies, governments, and consumers to assess and compare their impact on the climate. It helps to raise awareness of climate change and to take targeted measures to reduce emissions.
What is the ISO 14067 standard about?
ISO 14067:2018 - Greenhouse gases — Carbon footprint of products — Requirements and guidelines for quantification" was first published in August 2018 and is available from the ISO website.
Who is the verification of the PCF according to ISO 14067 suitable for?
- Environmental responsibilityCompanies that are aware of their environmental impact have their product footprint measured and verified by an external body. This provides them with a sound basis for targeted environmental measures. Verification is, therefore, an important part of improving their image.
- Customer requirementsMore and more customers and consumers are attaching importance to sustainable products and services. PCF verification enables companies to transparently communicate their environmental performance and demonstrate the sustainability of their products. This can provide a competitive advantage.
- Compliance with legal requirementsIn some countries, legal requirements or plans are already in place that oblige companies to quantify and report their environmental impacts. ISO 14067 verification can help to meet these requirements and minimize regulatory risks.
- Sustainability reportingVerification by an external third party provides companies with a solid basis for sustainability reporting. By disclosing and verifying operational environmental impacts, you can make your performance transparent and comparable.
- Drive innovationISO 14067 verification requires facts, figures, and data. A detailed analysis and evaluation of your own environmental impact can lead to the optimization and redesign of processes and the use of more efficient technologies to reduce emissions. Examples include the use of renewable energies or the reduction of waste.
What are the benefits of ISO 14067 verification?
- Credibility and transparencyA verified carbon footprint calculation shows that your company takes product emissions seriously and is committed to transparency and sustainability. This strengthens your company's credibility with customers, investors, and other stakeholders.
- Competitive advantageIn an increasingly sustainability-conscious world, companies with a verified carbon footprint can set themselves apart as leaders and role models in their industry.
- Risk managementVerification in accordance with ISO 14067 provides your company with a better understanding of its emission profiles along the life cycle of a product. This enables you to identify hotspots and weak points, leading to more effective risk management.
- Customer loyalty and market demandConsumers increasingly value sustainable products and services. A verified product carbon footprint builds trust with your customers and partners and leads to greater customer loyalty. It provides the basis for environmentally responsible purchasing decisions.
- Regulatory requirementsSome countries or industries already have specific regulations or incentives to disclose and reduce GHG emissions. Verification can ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
- Supply chain managementCompanies that want to make their supply chain more sustainable can also benefit. By assessing the emissions of external providers, you can determine your own PCF and take measures to reduce emissions throughout the value chain.
What are the requirements for verification?
- Data accuracy To verify the CF of products, reliable data must be collected along the value chain. This includes information on raw material extraction, production, transportation, use, and disposal. Recognized publications and life cycle assessment databases can also be used here.
- Consistent methodologyVerification requires the use of a consistent calculation methodology. In addition to the ISO 14067 Carbon Footprint Standard, there is also the "Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard" of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, which can be used as a recognized reference for preparing the product-related greenhouse gas inventory.
- CompletenessThe accounting should ensure that all relevant emissions are included in the PCF. This includes direct and indirect emissions along the defined and, therefore, considered life cycle stage, also known as the "scope."
ISO 14064 vs. ISO 14067 - the series of standards
The three-part series of ISO 14064-1, -2, and -3 standards covers a broader range of applications. It measures, reports, and verifies greenhouse gas emissions at the organizational and project levels.
Other standards in the ISO 14001 seriesIf, in addition to the impact on climate change, you also want to consider and balance other impact categories of your products, such as the primary energy demand of your products, water consumption, or land use, a Life Cycle Aassessment ( LCA ) is suitable for this. However, this is more comprehensive than a GHG product inventory and is well-suited for the next step.
Other standards in the international series of standards for environmental management standards can provide support and methodological guidance: ISO 14040 and ISO 14044. A critical review of the life cycle analysis by DQS, as well as the PCF verification, allows you to score points with your stakeholders and meet the future requirements of your interested parties in advance.
How does ISO 14067 verification work?
As an independent certifier, DQS offers the opportunity to review and confirm your accounting and reporting. This verification provides you with official confirmation of your measurements and an assessment of compliance with the requirements of the standard.
The first step is to get to know your company, your organization, your needs, and your expectations. Once the verification objectives, including the applicable standards and specifications, have been defined, you will receive a quote for the pre-assessment.
The assigned verification team verifies the respective declaration based on the previously prepared planning, applying the applicable standards and specifications. Among other things, evidence is recorded and reviewed, sites are inspected if necessary, and estimates and calculations are verified and analyzed.
The verification may be supplemented by a prior review of documents. Identified deficiencies must be demonstrably rectified before a verification statement and an expert opinion are issued for the products under consideration. The verification result, including all findings, will be presented to you during the final meeting. If necessary, action plans will be agreed.
After verification, the results are evaluated by the independent certification board of DQS. If all requirements are met, you will receive a verification declaration for the relevant products or services. The verification declaration is valid for the respective GHG declaration of your product and therefore does not have a defined validity period.
For the verification of an updated report or an updated declaration, for example, in the event of changes to service processes, manufacturing processes, or the material composition of components, a new assessment can be carried out.