IEC Quality Assessment System -- IEC 品質評估系統 (IECQ)

IECQ offers globally harmonized certification and verification services that support the circular economy, supply chain management, and manufacturing of component products, through IECQ-approved certification bodies (CBs), many of which are well-known and operating across more than 40 countries, with international IECQ certificates and verification statements publicly accessible on the IECQ centralized online certificate system. The certification and verification services offered by the IECQ provide manufacturers and service providers with independent certification or verification based on international standards and specifications.

IECQ 透過認可的驗證機構 (CB) 提供全球統一的認證和驗證服務,支援循環經濟、供應鏈管理和零件產品的製造,其中許多是知名的認證機構都並在超過 40 個國家的多個領域開展業務,並且提供可在 IECQ 線上證書系統上公開取得的IECQ國際證書和驗證聲明。 IECQ提供的認證和驗證服務為製造商和服務提供者提供基於國際標準和規範的獨立認證或驗證。

The IECQ System ensures global harmonization of the certification process, with a single set of standard operating rules and procedures adopted by all IECQ certification bodies, including DQS.

IECQ 系統確保驗證流程的全球統一,包括 DQS 在內的所有 IECQ 認證機構均採用一套標準作業規則和程序。

IECQ certificates issued by DQS are listed on the official IECQ website, making it easy for end users, manufacturers, and service providers to find and confirm certified suppliers. 


By using IECQ-certified suppliers, manufacturers, and service providers can have confidence that their products meet rigorous quality and environmental standards, giving them a competitive advantage in today's marketplace.

採用經IECQ 驗證的供應商、製造商和服務提供者可以信賴他們的產品符合嚴格的品質和環境標準,從而在當今的市場中獲得競爭優勢。


DQS has been approved by IECQ for the following certification schemes.

以下是DQS 已獲得 IECQ 核可的驗證方案。






Beschreibung Standard/Regelwerk


Hazardous substance restrictions in products are regulations and guidelines aimed at limiting or eliminating the use of certain chemicals or materials that can be harmful to human health or the environment.


These restrictions are typically implemented through laws and regulations at the national, regional or international levels. Examples include restrictions on lead, mercury, cadmium and certain flame retardants in consumer products.



IECQ Approved component certification

The IECQ Approved component certification validates that a component meets established quality, safety, and reliability standards within the framework of the IECQ quality assessment system for electronic components. This certification assures manufacturers, suppliers, and end-users that the component has undergone rigorous testing and evaluation, ensuring its suitability for use in various applications.

IECQ 核准的零件認證可驗證零件是否符合 IECQ 電子零件品質評估系統架構內既定的品質、安全性和可靠性標準。該認證向製造商、供應商和最終用戶保證該零件已經過嚴格的測試和評估,確保其適合在各種應用中使用。

In essence, IECQ Approved component certification serves as a seal of quality and reliability, instilling confidence in the industry and end-users alike. It streamlines the evaluation process, reduces costs, and ensures that components can be safely and effectively integrated into various products, contributing to overall operational efficiency and reliability.

從本質上講,IECQ 核准的零件認證是品質和可靠性的標誌,增強了行業和最終用戶的信心。它可以簡化評估流程、降低了成本,並確保零件可以安全有效地整合到各種產品中,有助於提高整體營運效率和可靠性。


IECQ Automotive qualification programme (AQP)

IECQ Automotive qualification programme (AQP) gives the automotive industry a standardized way of testing the components to ensure reliability and performance standardization. This eliminates redundant tests, cutting costs for manufacturers and allowing easy performance comparison. DQS use IECQ AQP to validate components meeting industry standards.

IECQ 車用零件合格性方案 (AQP) 為汽車行業提供了一種標準化的零件測試方法,以確保可靠性和性能標準化。可以減少多餘的測試、降低了製造商的成本並易於進行效能比較。DQS可透過IECQ AQP 來驗證零件是否符合行業標準。

IECQ AQP efficiently verifies purchased components' quality, safety, and reliability. It monitors sampling, tests, and production controls via impartial third-party certification.

透過公正的第三方驗證來監控採樣、測試和生產控制,IECQ AQP 能有效率的驗證採購零件的品質、安全性和可靠性。

IECQ Automotive qualification programme certification displays compliance with IECQ System, technical standards, and specifications. Certified components are released with a declaration of conformity, indicating successful assessment and surveillance by an independent IECQ certification body.

IECQ AQP符合 IECQ 系統、技術標準和規範,經過驗證的零件會附有合格聲明,表明已成功由獨立 IECQ 驗證機構進行評估和監督。


IECQ independent testing laboratory (ITL) approval scheme

To further support the manufacturing of component products, IECQ provides a testing laboratory facility framework called the IECQ ITL approval scheme. This allows organizations, including those manufacturers with in-house independent testing facilities, to be approved for component product testing capability in support of the IECQ System.

為了進一步支援組件產品的製造,IECQ 提供了一個稱為 IECQ ITL 的測試實驗室設施框架核准方案。這使得組織 (包括那些擁有內部獨立測試設施的製造商) 能夠取得零件產品測試能力的核准,以支援 IECQ 系統。

IECQ independent testing laboratory (ITL) approval scheme ensures that any testing facility that supports IECQ approved component certification meets the highest standards for component product testing.

IECQ 獨立測試實驗室 (ITL) 核准計畫可確保任何支援 IECQ 核准的零件認證的測試機構均能符合零件產品測試的最高標準。


Any appeal or complaints regarding IECQ certificates or certification processes, you can contact IECQ secretaries directly. 任何關於IECQ 證書及驗證過程的申訴或抱怨可直接前往IECQ秘書處


For more detail on IECQ programs, please visit 更多關於IECQ的詳情可訪問


IECQ 驗證的費用是多少?

IECQ 驗證的費用取決於 貴公司選擇的驗證方案。此外,貴公司的規模和品質管理系統的複雜度對稽核的人天數和價格也有影響。基於以上因素,IECQ 的驗證費用沒有固定的總金額。我們很樂意為 貴公司、組織或機構提供單獨的報價。



  • 在 IECQ 驗證領域有多年的經驗
  • 為 貴公司/組織提供增值洞察力的稽核
  • 具有實際經驗和高水準產業能力的稽核員
  • 具有國際認可度的驗證證書
  • 有彈性的合約週期,沒有隱藏費用的個別報價



我們很樂意為 貴公司提供一個量身規劃的IECQ 驗證方案的報價。