감사 지연, 사람 이동 제한, 현장 감사 중 건강 문제 - COVID-19는 Sedex SMETA 사회 감사에도 심각한 문제를 일으켰습니다. 특히 위기의 시기에 인권 상황을 모니터링하고 직원을 보호하는 것이 그 어느 때보다 중요하기 때문에 너무 안타까운 일입니다. 이제 Sedex는 도전 과제에 대응하고 코로나 이후 세계에서도 가치를 추가하는 새로운 감사 제품인 Sedex 가상 평가를 출시했습니다.

The Sedex Virtual Assessment provides the core functionality of a SMETA social audit. However, some elements have been removed in the virtual audit option to allow for digital delivery. The tool was developed in consultation with several members, Affiliate Audit Companies (AACs), and key stakeholders. As an Affiliate Audit Company, DQS was instrumental in its development.

Social audits provide insight into highly sensitive contexts. Only the use in social audits will show at which points the Sedex Virtual Assessment needs to be readjusted. Sedex is aware of this and has therefore released the product as part of a so-called soft launch approach. The findings will be published regularly in a soft launch review process and the product will be adjusted accordingly.

Who may conduct a Sedex Virtual Assessment?

The Sedex Virtual Assessment can be used for initial audits, periodic audits and partial or full follow-up audits. However, the virtual audit is not suitable for all sites. Once an audit is requested, the approved audit firm verifies that the site meets the established criteria and is eligible for the virtual audit. Eligibility criteria include the following key requirements:

  • All areas of the site must be virtually accessible (exception: If it is not possible to use cell phones in any area of the site due to combustion issues or sensitive commercial reasons)
  • Internet connectivity exists in all areas of the site
  • The site is sufficiently busy to allow the auditor to get a full picture of the site and the diversity of its workforce on the day of the audit

There must also be an opportunity for group interviews with employees. Individual interviews are not included in the virtual audit for the protection of individual employees. In case group interviews are not possible (or if the client wants to get a deeper insight into the work reality) the Direct Worker Reporting Tool must be implemented. The main function of this method is to establish a direct communication channel between site and workers.

The Audit Process

The Sedex virtual assessment always takes place announced due to the need for pre-audits and more comprehensive planning. The preparation phase for the audit is longer because the use of communications and information technology must be tested prior to the audit and some document review occurs prior to the audit. This offers the advantage that the auditors can get a picture of the site before the actual audit.

Here you can find more information about the procedure.

How DQS can help you

DQS CFS is one of the approved audit companies, known as Affiliate Audit Companies (AACs). As a member of the Sedex Virtual Assessment Working Group, we have actively contributed to the product and have in-depth knowledge and experience in its implementation. DQS has qualified auditors worldwide who are happy to support your projects.

콘스탄체 일너

Constanze Illner/콘스탄체 일너(그녀)는 지속 가능성 및 식품 안전 분야의 연구 및 커뮤니케이션 책임자입니다. 이 직책에서 그녀는 이 맥락에서 모든 중요한 발전을 주시하고 월간 뉴스레터를 통해 고객에게 알립니다. 그녀는 또한 연례 Sustainability Heroes 컨퍼런스를 사회합니다.
