화장품 및 소비재 산업을 위한 DQS 고객 포럼에서 IFS HPC 표준의 새 버전을 이미 처음 볼 수 있었던 후, 이제 개정이 공식적으로 완료되었습니다. IFS HPC 표준의 버전 2가 2016년 4월 13일에 출판되었습니다.

The new version of the IFS Standard goes into effect on October 1, 2016. From October 2016 until January 1, 2017, certified sites still have the choice of using version 1 or version 2 as the basis for certification. As of January 1, 2017, only Version 2 audits will then be possible.

Significant changes

Version 2 of the IFS HPC standard brings some significant changes for certified sites. These include the adapted scoring system and the reformulation and restructuring of certain requirements. Overall, the number of requirements has increased by 15 (237 total).

One of the most important changes is the introduction of a new chapter on product defense. Product defense refers to protective measures to prevent deliberate contamination or adulteration by biological, chemical, physical or radioactive substances. However, this chapter only becomes part of the audit if

  • The certified site manufactures its products in a country where Product Defense is regulated by law or exports to such a country, or
  • Certain customer requirements relating to product defense are met

Also new are five requirements relating to outsourcing (where relevant) and the need for monitoring for all critical control points, which will be a knock-out criterion in the future.

타이즈 윌라에르트

Thijs Willaert 박사는 지속 가능성 및 식품 안전 부문의 마케팅 및 커뮤니케이션 책임자입니다. 그는 또한 지속 가능성 보고서의 외부 감사를 위한 심사인이기도 합니다. 그의 관심 분야는 지속 가능성 관리, 지속 가능한 조달, 감사 환경의 디지털화입니다.
