2020년 6월, 독일에서 COVID-19 잠금이 종료된 직후 DQS는 공급망의 보안 관리에 대한 ISO 28000 표준에 따라 suki.international GmbH를 감사하고 인증했습니다. suki.international은 DIY 부문 및 전문 무역의 개별 소매 개념을 위한 최고의 솔루션 제공업체 중 하나이며 40개국 이상에서 사업을 운영하고 있습니다. 감사 후 감사인 Mr. Juergen Freund는 suki.international의 경영진과 이 시기에 공급망에서 보안의 중요성에 대해 이야기했습니다. 인터뷰를 녹음했습니다.
DQS: What is the importance of security in the supply chain for your company (before and after COVID-19)?
suki.international: High availability of goods has always been one of suki's trademarks. We are faced with the conflicting demands of global procurement with replenishment times of several months in some cases and Europe-wide distribution with a delivery time of just a few days. At the same time, the demands that we ourselves, our customers and also the legislator place on the quality of our products have grown continuously in recent years.
A secure, perfectly functioning supply chain that enables us to deliver high-quality products to our customers quickly and in the required quantities is therefore essential for us. This requires flexibility, a network of reliable partners, on-site packaging capacities, efficient logistics, permanent monitoring and continuous improvement of our supply chain.
The events surrounding COVID-19 have put our supply chain to the test. Delivery difficulties on the part of individual suppliers, particularly from the Asian region, coincided with very high demand for individual products. We are taking these events as an opportunity to increase the flexibility of our supply chain and further reduce our dependence on individual countries.
DQS: What are the main insights and impulses you have gained from the audit and what benefits has your company gained from the audit?
suki.international: The audit showed us that our supply chain is secure and stable. Nevertheless, we have discovered further optimization opportunities through the systematic analysis and documentation required for certification. These were discussed and evaluated in detail during the audit. As a consequence, we have set ourselves the goal of successively realizing the identified improvement potentials for security in our supply chain.
DQS: How have your customers reacted to the successful certification? Do you see competitive advantages for your company through the certification according to ISO 28000?
suki.international: Our customers expect a secure supply. With the ISO 28000 certification, we can now provide reliable proof that our supply chain is secure and that we are continuously improving this security.
DQS 뉴스레터
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