"전 세계 소비자를 위한 안전한 식품". GFSI(Global Food Safety Initiative)의 비전은 식품 안전 요구 사항이 업계의 최신 개발 사항에 지속적으로 적용되는 경우에만 실현될 수 있습니다. 이러한 이유로 GFSI는 이제 새 버전을 게시했습니다. 개정판의 변경 사항은 무엇이며 이러한 변경 사항이 귀하에게 의미하는 바는 무엇입니까? 요약은 다음과 같습니다.
The Global Food Safety Initiative was launched in 2000 with the goal of finding collaborative solutions to collective food safety concerns. GFSI aims to standardize audit criteria, reduce food risks and costs, while building trust throughout the supply chain. For this purpose, GFSI has developed so-called Benchmarking Requirements, which are updated regularly.
Food standards such as IFS, BRCGS and FSSC 22000 have implemented these requirements and are recognized by GFSI. In order to continue to maintain recognition, it is necessary for standard setters to implement new/changed GFSI requirements in their own standard in a timely manner. For this reason, the GFSI Revision is a way for you, as a user of the standard, to anticipate future developments in GFSI-recognized standards. Let's take a look into the crystal ball together.
What changes in the new version?
The new version includes elements that are currently receiving a lot of attention in the food safety field. One of these is food safety culture. This term describes shared values, beliefs principles and norms that influence food safety attitudes and behaviors throughout the organization. Elements of the food safety culture are initiated by senior management. This includes, for example, communication about food safety policies and responsibilities, training, employee feedback on food safety-related issues, performance management, etc. GFSI already published a position paper on the topic last year, you can find a summary here. Find out why food safety culture is so important in this blog post.
Furthermore, the new version introduces a mandatory review of the effectiveness of the traceability system. Another change relates to product development. Design and development processes will be established, implemented and maintained to ensure that new/modified products or manufacturing processes produce safe and legal goods. In addition, regular inspections of facilities and work equipment will be required.
In Version 2020, GFSI strengthens transparency and objectivity in the audit process. For example, unannounced audits are now no longer voluntary, but become mandatory. Get detailed information about this change here. In addition, a minimum audit duration has been introduced.
DQS 뉴스레터
콘스탄체 일너
Constanze Illner/콘스탄체 일너(그녀)는 지속 가능성 및 식품 안전 분야의 연구 및 커뮤니케이션 책임자입니다. 이 직책에서 그녀는 이 맥락에서 모든 중요한 발전을 주시하고 월간 뉴스레터를 통해 고객에게 알립니다. 그녀는 또한 연례 Sustainability Heroes 컨퍼런스를 사회합니다.