유럽에서는 2021년부터 '플라스틱세'가 도입된다. 이는 코로나 원조에 관한 EU 정상회의에서 결정됐다. 모든 EU 국가는 1월부터 재활용되지 않은 플라스틱 포장 폐기물 1kg당 80센트를 브뤼셀로 이전할 예정입니다. 순환 경제의 원칙은 이 문제를 능숙하게 처리하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 다음에서는 순환 경제의 모델을 제시하고 순환 시스템 구현에 있어 기업을 지원하는 주요 표준 중 하나인 ISCC PLUS에 대해 자세히 설명합니다.
Slowly but surely, politicians and society are becoming aware that there is no way back when it comes to sustainability. After all, the consequences of our throwaway mentality ultimately end up back with us, in the form of environmental pollution, climate change, and dwindling resources. It is becoming increasingly clear how urgently we need a new industrial model.
The European Union also sees it that way and has now introduced a so-called plastic tax, which is to come into force as early as January of next year. Companies now have a choice: Either they pass on the costs to their customers - or, they take the opportunity and align themselves to meet social and regulatory requirements in the future.
One promising approach to realizing the second option is the so-called circular economy. The model is concerned with handling resources prudently so that nothing is wasted. This means that products and materials are kept in the product cycle and reused, re-manufactured and recycled for as long as possible. This regenerative approach is intended to create a closed-loop supply chain that, through its system design, simply allows for no waste.
The benefits of such an economic system are obvious: Maximizing economic, natural, and social capital. In this way, environmental goals can be achieved and economic growth stimulated. So much for the theory. The practice, of course, is much more complicated. But there are standards that help companies make the transition to a circular economy. ISCC PLUS is one of them.
The certification system allows producers to take full responsibility for the sustainability impacts of their raw materials. Here you can learn about the principles of ISCC PLUS and view examples of the many ways the ISCC PLUS standard can be applied.
ISCC Plus Certification
for the Circular Economy
ISCC PLUS certification for the circular economy can be applied to all raw materials that can be recycled. For these materials, the standard offers two options:
The source material can either be 1., physically separated or 2., mixed but separately accounted for using the mass balance method.
For example, mixed plastic waste can find its way directly back into the supply chain. The mass balance method not only gives the material an economic value, but also reduces the risk of plastic waste entering the environment in an uncontrolled way. ISCC PLUS certification guarantees that the material is actually recycled, and that the consumption of virgin raw material is reduced.
The certification is of particular interest to manufacturers of biopolymer packaging made from the biodegradable material PLA (polylactic acid), for example, or to companies that process household waste, landfill gases or used car tires into valuable products.
The advantages
ISCC PLUS certification helps companies meet existing and future sustainability requirements. Consumer demands are met, employee retention is supported through sustainable business management, and future regulatory requirements can be preemptively prevented.
DQS 뉴스레터
콘스탄체 일너
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