최초 발행 후 13년이 지난 2018년 6월 19일, 식품 안전 관리 시스템에 대한 국제 표준인 ISO 22000의 새 버전이 발행되었습니다. 인증된 사이트의 경우 새 버전은 몇 가지 중요한 변경 사항을 가져옵니다. 새로운 기능이 무엇이고 새 버전으로의 전환이 어떻게 진행되고 있는지 요약해 드리겠습니다.
According to the latest ISO survey, more than 32,000 organizations can currently present a valid ISO 22000 certificate. Since the standard was first published in 2005, the number of users has steadily increased each year. However, in the 12 years that have passed since then, the challenges faced by companies and the expectations of the markets with regard to food safety have changed to such an extent that a revision of the standard has become necessary.
Objectives of the revision
With the revision of the standard, ISO aims to:
- Clarify certain key concepts, particularly critical control point management, required operational programs (oPRP), risk management, product recall and withdrawal, and combination with external control measures
- Make the standard simpler and more concise
- Ensure that the content is relevant to all actors in the value chain and avoid restrictive content
- Ensure applicability for SMEs
- Increase the compatibility of ISO 22000 with other management systems standards
ISO 22000:2018 - What are the changes?
- Introduction of the High Level Structure: with the recently revised ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 , ISO 22000:2018 shares the High Level Structure, the unified basic structure for management system standards. This will make ISO 22000 comparatively easy to incorporate into Integrated Management Systems.
- As is also the case with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015, ISO 22000:2018 stands for a risk-based approach. The standard distinguishes between risks at the operational level (HACCP approach) and, on the other hand, risks at the management system level - i.e., the risks that influence the ability of the management system to achieve its objectives.
- The standard describes two distinct Plan-Do-Check-Act cycles: the first cycle forms the management system as such; the second cycle, which is embedded in the first, comprises the process steps illustrated in clause 8 ("Operation"). The graphic below shows the two cycles and their interaction.
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