制动产品(制动卡钳、真空助力器、集成式制动控制系 统、电子制动助力器壳体、电子稳定控制阀块)及安全 带、安全气囊、转向系统,泵的设计和制造。
Design and manufacture of brake product (brake calipers, actuation, Integrated Brake Control, Electronic Brake Booster housing, Electronic Stability Control value body), seat belts, airbags, steering system and pump.
汽⻋制动产品(制动卡钳、真空助⼒器、集成式制动控制系统、电⼦制动助⼒器壳体、电⼦稳定控制阀 块)及转向系统,汽⻋变速器泵的设计和制造;转向及悬挂系统模块与组件的设计及制造;注塑件的制造.
Design and manufacture of automotive brake product (brake calipers, actuation, Integrated Brake Control, Electronic Brake Booster housing, Electronic Stability Control value body), steering system and transmission pump; Design and manufacture of modules and parts of the steering and suspension systems. Manufacturing of injection molding parts automotive industry.
汽⻋制动产品(制动卡钳、真空助⼒器、集成式制动控制系统、电⼦制动助⼒器壳体、电⼦稳定控制阀 块)及转向系统,汽⻋变速器泵的设计和制造;转向及悬挂系统模块与组件的设计及制造;注塑件的制造.
Design and manufacture of automotive brake product (brake calipers, actuation, Integrated Brake Control, Electronic Brake Booster housing, Electronic Stability Control value body), steering system and transmission pump; Design and manufacture of modules and parts of the steering and suspension systems. Manufacturing of injection molding parts automotive industry.