Customers and certificates

SYA-AW Wanji Branch Factory of Shantou S.E.Z. Yazaki Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 汕头经济特区矢崎汽车部件有限公司

Business Sector:
Electrical and electronic equipment assembly. Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products, electrical and electronic equipment assembly, excluding: Production of bare printed circuit boards for electronics industry, Manufacture of wafers and
Reference No.:
Street No.:
No. 3, One Street, North Side of Wanji, Longhu District 中国汕头市龙湖区万吉北一街3号
Zip, City:
Shantou, Guangdong,515041
Certified according to :

按日本矢崎的要求制造⻋用低压电线,COT 蛇管及VO 软管。

The manufacture of automotive low voltage wires, VO tubes and corrugated tubes for motor vehicles to agreed upon specification with Japan, Yazaki.