This certification belongs to the parent company 053350 Felix Böttcher GmbH & Co. KG
Dezvoltare de proces tehnologic, fabricare de valțuri și sleeve-uri acoperite cu elastomer și termoplastic. Vânzare de valțuri, sleeve-uri, balustrade pentru scări rulante, acoperite cu elastomer, respectiv termoplastic.
Herstellung und verfahrenstechnische Weiterentwicklung von elastomer- und thermoplastisch beschichteten Rollen, Walzen und Sleeves sowie Vertrieb von elastomer und thermoplastisch beschichteten Rollen, Walzen, Sleeves und Handläufen
Manufacturing and further development of process engineering for elastomer- and thermoplastic covered rollers and sleeves. Sales of elastomer- and thermoplastic covered rollers, sleeves and handrails