Occupational health and safety for service and work contractors
Greater opportunities in the awarding of contracts due to proven occupational health and safety
Increased safety awareness among the workforce
Reduced risk of accidents and associated costs
General avoidance of multiple inspections by the client

What is an SCC certificate or SCP certificate?
Both variants of the SCC regulations define requirements for occupational safety, taking into account health and environmental protection aspects. The core element is the SCC checklist/SCP checklist, which contains specific inspection criteria for auditing.
Possible certificates:
- SCC* certificate - restricted certification
- SCC** certificate - unrestricted certification
- SCCP certificate - petrochemical certification
- SCP certificate - certification for personnel service providers

What is the SCC checklist?
The assessment for personnel service providers is based on a modified SCP checklist. We offer pre-audits and certifications for all variants of the SCC/SCP regulations. Our auditors have the practical experience and can also perform combined certifications due to their multiple qualifications.
New since autumn 2021: SCC VAZ 2021
The certification program for SHE personnel* according to the "SCC Rulebook 2011" ("operational managers" and "operational employees") was also adopted by VAZ e.V. and replaced by the new program "SHE-Personnel VAZ 2021".
The German accreditation body DAkkS (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH) has confirmed the accreditability of both programs. Thus, DAkkS now offers accreditations in the field of SCC on the basis of the new conformity assessment programs.
* SHE stands for (occupational) safety, health and environmental protection and is a technical term from the SCC regulations.

How does the conversion to SCC-VAZ 2021 take place?

What is the procedure for SCC certification?
First, you discuss your company, your management system and the goals of an SCC/SCP certification with us. On this basis, you will promptly receive a detailed and transparent offer, tailored to your individual needs.
The certification audit starts with a system analysis (audit stage 1) and an evaluation of your documentation, objectives, the results of your management review and internal audits. In this process, we determine whether your management system is sufficiently developed and ready for certification. In the next step (system audit stage 2), your on-site DQS auditor assesses the effectiveness of all management processes using SCC/SCP. The audit result is presented at a final meeting. If necessary, action plans are agreed upon.
After the certification audit, the results are evaluated by the independent certification board of DQS. You will receive an audit report documenting the audit results. If all standard requirements are met, you will receive the SCC/SCP certificate.
To ensure that your company continues to meet all important SCC/SCP criteria after the certification audit, we conduct surveillance audits on an annual basis. This provides competent support for the continuous improvement of your management system.
The SCC/SCP certificate is valid for a maximum of three years. Recertification is carried out in good time before expiry to ensure continued compliance with the standard requirements. Upon compliance, a new certificate is issued.

How much does SCC certification cost?
Number of employees, and the number of workshops, projects, construction sites, or open pit sites are other factors that need to be considered. For these reasons, the costs for certification according to SCC/SCP cannot be given as a lump sum. We will be happy to make you an individual offer for your organization.

What you can expect from us
- Value-adding insights into your company from our experts
- Personal, smooth support from our specialists - regionally, nationally and internationally
- Individual offers with flexible contract terms and no hidden costs