As individual as your organization

Your organization or company has set itself goals and wants to achieve them without further ado, but: Are your processes really suitable for this? Are they appropriate, effective, and efficient? And what about their resilience and transparency?A DQS process audit provides you with an objective assessment of the effectiveness of your standard business processes. Such as when difficulties arise in a specific process environment and you cannot pinpoint the causes.

Individual criteria catalogs and evaluation systems

Recognition of areas for action in processes that are critical to success

Transparency in process design due to well-founded analysis

Added value

How organizations can benefit from DQS process audits

Outside of certification business, DQS process audits are organization-specific and pragmatic. Process audits serve to identify the causes of existing weaknesses in your process landscape, and uncover potential for improvement.

They are suitable as a selective analysis for performance improvement, as a basis for goal- and strategy-oriented process design and control, for obtaining substantial decision-making aids, for obtaining legal certainty, and as an introduction to the establishment of a process-oriented management system. Process audits do not fixate on specific standards, but can certainly consider individual aspects of standards.

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How does a DQS process audit work?

Based on individual planning and design, our process audits offer a variety of starting points for improvement. The scope of the audit depends on the defined goal, the complexity of the defined processes, and the evaluation criteria. As soon as we know your ideas, we can precisely align our offer to the resources and requirements of your organization.


What does a DQS process audit cost?

The costs for a DQS process audit cannot be stated in general terms. They depend on the scope and complexity of your processes to be audited. We will be happy to make you an individual offer for your company or organization.


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