Our Leadership Team

With reliable, transparent, and digitally supported processes, we reduce our customers' effort and create a seamless experience and meaningful added value throughout the audit process. Together with our employees and auditors in around 60 countries we develop innovative solutions and digital tools to ease the work for our customers without diminishing the quality of our certification. We offer our customers the experience of eureka moments, both in the audit process and in the result.    
DQS Holding
Ingo M. Rübenach
Managing Director and CEO
Responsible mainly for the commercial areas, digitalization & CX, finance and people management in DQS Group where he and his teams create the foundations for sustainable growth with innovative and digital solutions.

Center of Excellence

We concentrate our competencies into the hands of our experts for food and sustainability, medical devices and IT security in our three global Centers for Excellence.
Guido Eggers
Center of Excellence Food & Sustainability
In these two segments, our experts at DQS CFS will accompany you on your road to audits and assessments related to sustainability and food topics.
Heinrich von Mettenheim
Center of Excellence for Medical Devices
We concentrate our greatest expertise in the certification and notification of management systems and products for the medical industry here.
Christian Gerling
Center of Excellence Information & Data Security
For the security of our customers, DQS GmbH offers certification products in the field of information and data security standards.