What is a management system?

A management system describes the way in which companies organize themselves in their structures and processes in order to act systematically, ensure smooth processes and achieve planned results Modern management systems usually follow the PDCA cycle of planning, implementation, review and improvement (Plan-Do-Check-Act).

An effective management system is based on and controls structured and optimized processes. Thus, it establishes the systematic and continuous improvement of the organization through clear rules, roles and processes.

Management systems can be used in all areas - depending on where your company operates and what goals are to be achieved. This can be in a specific industry, such as transport and logistics, the automotive industry or healthcare, or even across industries.

Modern management systems according to ISO standards follow the same logic, the so-called High Level Structure, but cover different aspects. The most widely used is the internationally known ISO 9001 standard for a quality management system.

Other well-known management systems:

What are the benefits of a management system for your company?

Managers who consciously face the challenges of the market and the expectations of their shareholders and other interested parties use management systems as tools to effectively guide and manage their organization. In doing so, they not only help to find a good balance between dynamics and stability, between customer expectations and profitability in a time of change.

Management systems play an important role in the strategic alignment of companies and create trust with interested parties.

What are the advantages of a management system?

All companies and organizations, regardless of their size, type and industry, benefit equally from an effective management system.

They focus on the requirements of customers, other interested parties and/or sustainability issues and provide your company with crucial support in successfully meeting the challenges of the market and society.

Where management systems are actually practiced and continuously developed, they support the organization in avoiding mistakes, identifying opportunities and risks, and meeting the requirements of all stakeholders. At the same time, they make it easier to adapt to constantly changing conditions.

The advantages at a glance


  • Uniform structures and clear responsibilities
  • Transparent and stable procedures and processes
  • Organizational anchoring of a continuous improvement process
  • Good foundation of a resilient and forward-thinking corporate culture
  • Pronounced customer and employee satisfaction
  • Noticeable cost reduction through error prevention
  • Systematic achievement of set corporate goals
  • Greater legal certainty through risk minimization
  • Improved reputation and easier access to new markets

How to implement a management system

If you want to be at the forefront of the competition for the best products and services, you can no longer do without professional management systems and their certification. All the requirements that need to be formally implemented are listed in norms and other standards. However, the route to implementation is not predetermined.

Each management system should be adapted to the specific needs and goals of an organization. Therefore, always keep your individual company context in mind, and adapt the standard requirements and implementation routes individually and precisely for your company. This includes, for example, intensive communication between all stakeholders and interested parties.

What is an integrated management system?

An integrated management system refers to a higher-level management system in which at least two management disciplines, for example quality (ISO 9001) and environment (ISO 14001), are integrated and linked to form a management unit. In this way, synergies are optimally utilized, friction is avoided and cross-standard requirements are jointly implemented.

Who certifies your management system?

An independent and impartial certification by DQS provides you with the certainty that your management system is stable and compliant with standards. And it shows whether it is suitable for actually achieving the planned goals. Our auditors take a holistic, impartial look at people, processes, systems, and results.

Our high-impulse audits and the certainty of the effectiveness of your management and improvement processes give you a high degree of decision-making security.

In addition, an internationally recognized certificate serves as proof of performance, strengthening both your company's image and its competitiveness.

In order to maintain our independence and avoid conflicts of interest, we do not provide consulting services for the implementation of management systems.