Manage energy efficiently

Saving energy and costs go hand in hand - at least if you have an ISO 50001 certified energy management system. Careful use of energy resources is one of the most important tasks of any company today. Appropriate measures are aimed at continuously improving the energy efficiency and energy-related performance of your organization - and thus also climate protection.

Cost savings through efficient energy policy

Transparent, optimizable energy flows

Improved energy balance and climate protection

Benefit from tax relief

What is energy management according to the ISO 50001 standard?

ISO 50001 serves as the basis for the introduction of an energy management system (EnMS). The central component of the standard is an energy planning process that defines energy targets and action plans and records all energy flows in detail. On this basis, certified companies can continuously improve their energy-related performance. The implementation of legal requirements brings additional security of action.

The most important prerequisites for successful energy management are the systematic recording of energy flows, energy evaluation and suitable monitoring mechanisms. When implementing ISO 50001, it is your organization's task to tailor the requirements in the field of energy management to its own needs, to implement measures in a targeted manner and to improve them continuously.

The current DIN EN ISO 50001 standard was published in 2018. Like all known ISO management standards, it is based on the PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act) and the High Level Structure. This ensures a high degree of compatibility with other ISO standards, for example ISO 9001 (quality) or ISO 14001 (environment). An integrated management system allows synergies to be exploited and cross-regulatory requirements to be implemented jointly.

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For whom is ISO 50001 certification suitable?

Saving energy is important for every company - regardless of type and size. Thus, ISO 50001 certification is suitable for companies and service providers in all industries that want to optimize their energy management and thus save costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

ISO 50001:2018 is not aimed at any specific industry. However, it makes particular sense to introduce a management system in accordance with the energy management standard if you are an energy-intensive company. These are subject to numerous legal requirements and can meet the required framework conditions with a certified energy management system. In this way, they not only protect the climate, but can also take advantage of subsidies and save taxes under certain conditions, for example with the peak compensation according to the SpaEV.

A certificate in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 50001 standard is also valid for all non-SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) as proof of the reduction of energy consumption within the meaning of the Energy Services Act(EDL-G).

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Why does certification according to ISO 50001 make sense?

Through the use and certification of an EnMS, significant and hardly costly savings potentials are often achieved through simple organizational measures. In addition, the significant energy use (SEU) of plants, systems and facilities is specified again within the scope of certification, in that specific criteria must be determined for each area.

For companies that obtain certification, the international standard provides even more competitive advantages:

  • continuous improvement of energy-related performance
  • continuous monitoring of energy flows
  • systematic reduction of energy consumption and energy costs
  • consistent compliance with legal requirements
  • permanent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
  • reduced dependence on energy imports
  • recognized basis for possible tax incentives
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What strategic goals are you pursuing with ISO 50001?

Efficient energy use pays off in the truest sense of the word: Decreasing resource consumption and the associated reduction in energy costs contribute to a significant competitive advantage. But energy efficiency is also a driver for new business models, innovative technology and services, which can mean an additional market advantage.

What strategy are you pursuing?

Cost savings

  • Determine what type of energy is being used, where, and to what extent.
  • Set up controls to manage energy use.
  • Identify areas where energy is wasted.
  • Improve your procurement procedures.


  • Position yourself with an ethical, yet credible image.
  • Reduce yourcarbon footprint.
  • Improve your competitiveness.
  • Open up new markets.

Comply with legal requirements

  • Comply with all legal requirements applicable to your organization.
  • Avoid fines, reduce insurance premiums.
  • Provide relevant legal information to your employees and stakeholders.
  • Prepare for changes in the law and take advantage of possible tax incentive schemes.


  • Inform yourself about alternative energies.
  • Get an overview of the national energy market.
  • Make increasing use of renewable energies.
  • Act permanently energy saving
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Who is allowed to carry out an ISO 50001 certification?

Like other certifications, ISO 50001 certification may only be performed by a certifier that has been accredited for this purpose by the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS). DQS has the necessary accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17021 and is allowed to issue certificates according to ISO 50001:2018.

The ISO 50003:2016 standard specifies - in addition to the requirements of ISO 17021 - requirements for competence and impartiality in auditing and certification of energy management systems for certification bodies. To provide assurance to companies seeking certification and to ensure the effectiveness of EnMS audits, the accreditation standard addresses the audit process, requirements for a certification procedure, audit duration, and multi-site sampling.

As such, the requirements of ISO 50003 indirectly affect your company, particularly in determining audit duration and providing evidence of continuous performance improvement. Evidence of energy-related performance improvement must also be provided in accordance with ISO 50003 certification criteria.

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What is the procedure for ISO 50001 certification?

In the first step, you discuss your company and the goals of ISO 50001 certification with us. Based on these discussions, you will receive an individual offer tailored to the needs of your company or organization.

Certification starts with an analysis and evaluation of your management system. In this stage 1 audit, your auditor determines the degree of fulfillment for the stage 2 certification audit (system audit). In the next step, your auditor assesses the effectiveness of the management processes on site. In a final meeting, you will receive a detailed presentation of the results and possible improvement potential for your company. If necessary, action plans are agreed upon.

After the EnMS audit, the results are evaluated by the independent certification body of DQS. If all standard requirements are met, you will receive the ISO 50001 certificate.

To ensure that your company continues to meet all the important criteria of DIN ISO 50001 after the certification audit, we conduct surveillance audits on an annual basis. In this way, the continuous improvement of your energy management system and your business processes is competently accompanied.

The ISO 50001 certificate expires after three years at the latest. A recertification is carried out in good time before expiry to ensure continuous compliance with the standard requirements. If the requirements are met, a new certificate is issued.


What does ISO 50001 certification cost?

The ISO 50001 certificate is valid for 3 years.

The cost of ISO 50001 certification depends largely on the specified goals, your company's size and complexity, and the effort involved. In addition, general prerequisites of your company such as the energy situation and the number of locations have an influence on the audit duration and the price. For these reasons, the costs for certification according to ISO 50001 cannot be stated as a lump sum. We will be happy to make you an individual offer.


What you can expect from us

  • More than 35 years of experience in the certification of management systems and processes
  • Industry-experienced auditors combine expert knowledge with emotional intelligence
  • Value-added insights into your company through ISO 50001 audits
  • Certificates with international acceptance
  • Personal, smooth support from our specialists - regionally, nationally and internationally
  • Individual offers with flexible contract terms without hidden costs
  • Meaningful audit reports including recommendations for action

Request for quotation

Itsaree Sopasilapa Tel. 062 629 7117

We will be happy to provide you with a customized offer for ISO 50001 certification.