ESG reporting is a hot topic on the agenda to many Management Board teams. The new CSRD  will amend the existing Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) and will substantially increase reporting requirements on the companies falling within its scope in its efforts to expand the sustainability information for users.


Businesses are now understanding that their environmental and social impact in the community – as well as their corporate governance structure and transparency – will become crucial elements for their long term sustainability and competitiveness.

Developing the right ESG reporting is a serious challenge for many organizations. The amount of ESG metrics is vast and varies by industry, company size and complexity. In addition, there are many different measurement and reporting frameworks worldwide. But where can you start in assessing where you stand in terms of ESG compliance, norms and best practices? As an old saying goes, you can’t manage what you don’t measure.


To find out more how DQS can assist your business transformation, we’re organise ½ day seminar on 1 Aug 2023  sharing with you our solution. For details, do not hesitate  contact us at