DQS has a joint introduction on a new European Chain of Custody Method called RecyClass with Malaysian Plastic Manufacturing Association (MPMA) Northern Branch.


The Malaysian Plastics Manufacturers Association (MPMA), established in 1967, is a progressive trade association providing leadership and quality service to its members and the plastic industry. MPMA is a non-profit organisation that serves as the official voice of the Malaysian plastics industry, representing it member and the industry in Government integration, spearheading the plastics industry’s growth by providing the platforms to assist members to be globally competitive. MPMA currently has about 750 members comprising Ordinary members, which represent about 60 percent of the plastics manufacturers in the country and account for 80 percent of the country’s total production of plastic products.


As a new certification requirement from the European Union with the introduction to the plastic tax, most of the European countries require all imported plastic products to contain at least 30% recycle plastics. With this requirement, the European Union has launched the RecyClass certification and labelling scheme to be accepted across Europe. Consisting of product Recyclability Design certification, Product Recyclability Labelling, Recycle Process Certification and Recycle Plastic Traceability Certification. DQS Malaysia in Collaboration with MPMA held a conference in MPMA’s Office in Penang discussing the impact and introduction to RecyClass.